Just say NO!!! and no PC!!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Just say, "NO....and NO PC rhetoric, platitudes!!!"

really interested to see all the comments regarding Clinton Hill/Fort Greene.I recently moved into the neighborhood, in a still-rebounding section acrost from the old Navy Brig on Clermont Ave., where I am adjoined by a poor-but-very-family-centric Catholic congregation at Sacred Heart Cathedral, and an excellent elementary school at PS 46, headed by a female Hispanic principal. I have found the simple stewardship of the families in my own immediate neighborhood to be an enormously-stabilizing factor in Clinton Hill, and I never feel unsafe walking anywhere around here, particularly on my walks from to and from the G, or around Fort Greene Park for fresh air.Perhaps I should be a bit more cautious, judging from the posts I've read. I do know I have a good friend who lives at Taafe and DeKalb, who warns that crime that close to the Pratt campus is much more prevalent, but I chalk that up to the "easy mark" factor, in that perps know to look for more monied, out-of-town, less NYC street-smart, attention-calling white Art Fags prancing about than the actual composition of the neighborhood.let's remember, thugs are people, too, and a large portion of them ain't stupid, no. They go where the best percentage for a clean jack exists, and right around Pratt just may be it in Clinton Hill.Now, in terms of private security vs. community involvement, in my opinion, it always takes an active and defiant presence by residents to up the quality of life in any 'hood, from Getto to Sutton Place.I moved to Clinton Hill in the first place from Bed-Stuy, or Stuyvesant Heights, as the shyster Hassidic Jewish Real Estate Broker who rented me the place misleadingly labeled it, after I knowingly and in good faith dropped a dime on the anniversary of 9/11 on what I thought were three or four nuisance crackheads in my building (including my super and his wife) on Tompkins Ave., between Quincy and Gates, and found out after the fact that the entire corner was controlled by and integral to the crack trade belonging to the Bloods, including a chop-shop and a stash-house around the corner on Gates, between Tompkins and Myrtle.It's a location that is a scant few blocks from the well-publicized rooftop shooting at the Armstrong Houses, and a block and a half from the 9th Precinct House on Tompkins Ave., and yet repeated calls to Mayor Bloomberg's purported "responsive to the community" 311 City Hall Help Line, One Police Plaza, the 9th Precinct itself, my landlord, Brooklyn Narcotics detectives in downtown Brooklyn, and finally the DEA in Manhattan did absolutely NOTHING to bring police down to the scene and investigate the goings-on, despite the fact that I was told by NYPD that there was an on-going investigation into the scene with undercovers often present.Why in the fuck not? I put my goddamned life on the line to Do the Right Thing in my neighborhood, and someone from Bloomberg's office or NYPD should at least have sent a detective in a cursory way to my front door to at least take a statement, a report, a complaint of some sort while the information was still fresh, especially considering I was willing to both identify the folks I knew for certain were involved in the foolishness, as well as testify against the bastards in court.It was only after I called the DEA in Manhattan, and no one even answered the endlessly-ringing published number in Manhattan White Pages, that I got really pissed and contacted Senator Clinton by email, and though she does not normally involve herself in matters of local jurisdiction, had her staff call me back immediately at the open of business the next day, and several subsequent conversations with staff indicated she had personally seen my letters and expressed a willingness to help out.Why did it have to come to that? I'll tell you why, and that's because the Bloods have become a sophisticated organization in their own right, and have enough sense to probably A) have several ranking members of the 9th Precinct on the payroll, therefore insuring they will look the other way, and B) contribute heavily to local service organizations active in the neighborhood, including the Doe Fund, and the City's Office of AIDS Services, who administered their Independent Living Housing Program for People Living with HIV and AIDS in my building, that's why. And the scum of a precinct commander (who is Black, which makes him doulbly culpable and villainous in the neighborhood complicity, seeing first-hand what crack does to the Black community all acrost this land) who arrogantly dismissed my protests in the lobby of his station house with the admonition that the situation was "under investigation, that's all you need to know" should be publicly drawn and quartered, and yes, I'll go so far as to say it. LYNCHED in Lafayette Square Park for his callousness, along with that corporate-coddling poor excuse for an alledgedly-citizen-friendly mayor we have, Bloomberg.The fact that I am an HIV-positive individual, a White one, living in a heavily-Black neighborhood should make no difference. In the end, I was vilified by all the governmental interfaces leading up to Sen. Clinton, and even her office, in the end, dropped the ball after offering initial promise, as her procedural methods for responding to garden-variety constituent concerns failed miserably in acting in response to a life-threatening crisis.BOTTOM-LINE??? If you see a crackhead in the middle of the road, KILL HIM, or more literally, if you see a dice-game or a bunch of layabouts hanging on your corner making it less than desirable, call the cops and have the corner cleared, every day if you must. To hell with the PC behaviour and all this bullshit about "Cultural Diversity." Once you ALLOW crackheads and their attendant foolishness into a neighborhood, it takes a long time to root it out. And lest y'all out there quickly dismiss my thoughts and label me as some suburban Pollyanna (yes, I am White, and yes, I grew up in a comfortable South Shore town on Long Island), I've been living in the City for a good while now, and lived in New Orleans for 14 years, where Dirty South got its name and cred for good reason, where the crack gangs used to openly tote AK-47's and Mack-10's down the streets of the historic, now-gentrified and placid Bywater neighborhood, and also where my long-time neighbors in Mid-City, down close to Warren Easton High School and the Ted's Fro-Stop Root Beer can, young, old, Black, White alike, kept our streets safe and clean by exercising many shared sets of eyes and very active phone lines, as we had many kids of all stripes growing up down there, and the Youngbloods getting Blinged Out knew to take their business far from the corner stores and alleys that existed in our neighborhood.So fucking say NO, Clinton Hill, and call your local thugs, perps, AND local cops and politicos all on their horseshit, and yes, you can keep it perhaps the best neighborhood in all of Brooklyn, and all of New York City. Hang 'em high.... ://www.bvlaction.com/bvlh.html


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